Asked about Abramoff on the Sunday talk shows, [three] Republican lawmakers said the White House should release all records of its contacts with the now-disgraced lobbyist.Is it really so silly, Mr. Hagel, to think the President could be swayed by promises of political or capital gain and influence? Let's remember that this is the President who allowed oil companies to rewrite - and therefore undercut - our environmental protections to fatten their own wallets. This is the President who has allowed waste, fraud, and abuse to continue unchecked in handouts to friends of the Administration supposedly overseeing the rebuilding of Iraq. This is the President who has trumpeted his compassionate side and his faith even while turning his back on working Americans.
"I'm one who believes that more is better … when it comes to disclosure and transparency, so I'd be a big advocate for making records that are out there available," Sen. John Thune of South Dakota told Fox News Sunday.
The photos should not be released, he said, "but I do think it's important that everybody understand what this guy's level of involvement was."
Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana, appearing on the same program, agreed on the need for the White House to release its records related to Abramoff.
"Absolutely. I think this president is a man of unimpeachable integrity," Pence said. "The American people have profound confidence in him. And as Abraham Lincoln said, give the people the facts and republican governance, perhaps, will be saved."
Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska said it was "silly" to think that a lobbyist and his campaign contributions would influence the president. But full disclosure is the best policy, he said.
"My personal opinion on these things is to just get it out. If you've got pictures, get the pictures out," Hagel said on ABC's This Week. "Disclosure is the real issue. Whether it's campaign finance issues, whether it's ethics issues, whether it's lobbying issues, disclosure is the best and most effective way to deal with all of these things."
And it's a bitter irony - or a sad state of ignorance - for you, Mr. Pence, to use the word "unimpeachable" in describing anything about the President. Or were you merely bragging that this is the case because Republicans control the mechanisms for impeachment? At any rate, here is an appropriate use of the word "silly" (Hagel, take note): praising the President's integrity. Why the need to lie, obfuscate, and dissemble?
One who has nothing to hide need hide nothing. Oh Mr. President...come out, come out, wherever you are. On one point, at least, I agree with these men: the President should give full disclosure of the access that Abramoff had to anyone within the Administration. Surely the President has heard the saying, "The truth shall set you free?" Or is he afraid that the truth is actually too damning?