Friday, June 24, 2005

on Constitutional amendments

Commenting on the recent passage in the House of Representatives of an amendment to the US Constitution, Michael J. Totten writes:
The U.S. Constitution is no place for Political Correctness, whether it’s left-wing or right-wing.
That's a good point, and, one would hope, a basic test that could be respectfully agreed to by most folks, regardless of their political orientation. I wonder if he would also agree that the U.S. Constitution is not a dictionary? Anyway, several of his comments are good but I'll give him the last word with this one:
Conservatives like to point out – correctly, I might add – that the U.S. Constitution is great in part because it limits the power of the state rather than the freedom of the people who live in this country. Is it really too much to ask that we keep it that way?

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