Saturday, November 12, 2005

this is funny (DeLay, cont.)

from the transcripts of Larry King Live, Sept. 28, '05, on the day Tom DeLay was indicted by a grand jury, King interviewed Dick DeGuerin, the defense attorney for Tom DeLay:
...KING: What did Tom say to you today?

DEGUERIN: He said let's get out there and fight them. He's ready for the fight. He was hoping that he wouldn't be indicted because, you know, an indictment, Larry, is as bad as a conviction.

KING: Yes.

DEGUERIN: Because he had to step down as majority leader. But he's resolved to fight this out. There's going to be no compromise, no settlement. This is either going to go to trial and we're going to win or it's going to be dismissed before trial.

KING: So, they know there's no plea bargain here or anything?

DEGUERIN: Hell no, excuse me, but no there's not going to be.
Hmm...why did DeLay's attorney emphasize so strongly that there would be no deal, that DeLay wouldn't consider it? As we now know, it's because DeLay already tried to make a deal - stupidly confessing to his crime in the process - and was turned down.

*emphasis mine

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