Monday, October 09, 2006

peak oil? try peak Earth

from Earth's Ecological Debt Crisis: [Humankind's] 'Borrowing' from Nature Hits New Record:
Today is a bleak day for the environment, the day of the year when [humankind] over-exploits the world's resources - the day when we start living beyond our ecological means.
So much for being good stewards of God's creation. We don't need to wait around for God's Armaggedon/Rapture/whatever the world-annihilation term du jour is for evangelical Christians today; we're driving ourselves toward it at break-neck speed. Some highlights from the article:
Global Footprint estimates that the human race is over-using the Earth's resources by 23 per cent. While each individual should use up no more than the equivalent of 1.8 hectares of the Earth's surface, the actual area we use is 2.2 hectares per person.
Consumption is particularly profligate in the West, where individuals consume air-freighted food, buy hardwood furniture, enjoy foreign holidays and own cars. Global Footprint estimates the world would need five planet Earths to sustain a global materialistic society such as that in the US while almost three would be needed for the UK.

By contrast, developing countries such as Kenya use a fraction of the resources. Nef highlighted the energy wasted in trade. In 2004, for example, Britain exported 1,500 tons of potatoes to Germany and imported the same amount. We [Britain] sent 10,200 tons of milk and cream to France and imported 9,900 tons.

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